Delete all branches that are more than X days/weeks old
Safe way to show the delete commands only for local branches merged into master with the last commit over a month ago.
for k in $(git branch --format="%(refname:short)" --merged master); do
if (($(git log -1 --since='1 month ago' -s $k|wc -l)==0)); then
echo git branch -d $k
This does nothing but to output something like:
git branch -d issue_3212
git branch -d fix_ui_search
git branch -d issue_3211
Which I copy and paste directly (remove the echo to delete it directly)
This is very safe.
The poor man's method:
List the branches by the date of last commit:
git branch --sort=committerdate | xargs echo
this will list the branches while xargs echo
pipe makes it inline (thx Jesse).
You will see all your branches with old ones at the beginning:
1_branch 2_branch 3_branch 4_branch
Copy the first n ones, which are outdated and paste at the end of the batch delete command:
git branch -D 1_branch 2_branch
This will delete the selected ones only, so you have more control over the process.
To list the branches by creation date, use the --sort=authordate:iso8601
command as suggested by Amy
Remove remote branches
git branch -r --sort=committerdate | xargs echo
kustomrtr) to review the remote branches, than git push origin -d 1_branch 2_branch
to delete the merged ones
(thx Jonas).
This is what worked for me:
for k in $(git branch -r | sed /\*/d); do
if [ -z "$(git log -1 --since='Aug 10, 2016' -s $k)" ]; then
branch_name_with_no_origin=$(echo $k | sed -e "s/origin\///")
echo deleting branch: $branch_name_with_no_origin
git push origin --delete $branch_name_with_no_origin
The crucial part is that the branch name (variable $k) contains the /origin/
part eg origin/feature/my-cool-new-branch
However, if you try to git push --delete, it'll fail with an error like:
unable to delete 'origin/feature/my-cool-new-branch': remote ref does not exist.
So we use sed to remove the /origin/
part so that we are left with a branch name like feature/my-cool-new-branch
and now git push --delete will work.
How about using --since
and --before
For example, this will delete all branches that have not received any commits for a week:
for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do
if [ -z "$(git log -1 --since='1 week ago' -s $k)" ]; then
git branch -D $k
If you want to delete all branches that are more than a week old, use --before
for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do
if [ -z "$(git log -1 --before='1 week ago' -s $k)" ]; then
git branch -D $k
Be warned though that this will also delete branches that where not merged into master or whatever the checked out branch is.