Deleting overlapping polygon features from one of two layers using QGIS?

using qgis 2.0.1. created two overlapping polygons (yellow & green). clip tool creates "difference area" (red polygon). apply difference tool; input vector layer = original polygon layer, difference layer = clip polygon.

two arbitrary overlapping polygons

results of applying clip polygon with difference tool to each of the original polygons.

using clip with difference tool on both original input polygons

hope this helps:)

You can also use "symmetrical difference" (vector > geopprocessing tools) to do what you want in one step (also called XOR, see a description of overlay operations on wikigis for more details)

On the other hand, your topology does not seems very good because you have overlapping polygons. You could clean up a bit your green layer by converting your polygons to lines and back again from lines to polygon (vector > geometries)

By the way, before using the processing tools, it is also recommended to work in the same coordinate system. This could explain why your tools are not working as expected