Deploy Qt5 QML application

If you use MinGW, then try to copy all folders from folders qml and plugins to directory with your program. Also copy libraries: icudt52.dll, icuin52.dll, icuuc52.dll, libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll, libstdc++-6.dll, libwinpthread-1.dll, Qt5Core.dll, Qt5Gui.dll, Qt5Network.dll, Qt5Qml.dll, Qt5Quick.dll, Qt5Svg.dll, Qt5Widgets.dll from bin

Eventually the directory will look like this:

  • Enginio
  • imageformats
  • platforms
  • Qt
  • QtGraphicalEffects
  • QtPositioning
  • QtQml
  • QtQuick
  • QtQuick.2
  • QtSensors
  • QtWebKit
  • QtWinExtras
  • icudt52.dll
  • icuin52.dll
  • icuuc52.dll
  • libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
  • libstdc++-6.dll
  • libwinpthread-1.dll
  • Qt5Core.dll
  • Qt5Gui.dll
  • Qt5Network.dll
  • Qt5Qml.dll
  • Qt5Quick.dll
  • Qt5Svg.dll
  • Qt5Widgets.dll

This way works on WindowsXP/Win7 where Qt was not installed.

This what i've figured out so far,

You can't just open a qml file in main.cpp, you have to put those qmls into a resource


    <qresource prefix="/">

Then main.cpp must load it from the resource

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    return app.exec();

then build and check it works, then deploy as follows:

  • locate the releasse directory where your EXE lives
  • locate the directory where your QML lives
  • create a directory somewhere, say, deploy


cd deploy
windeployqt --release --qmldir <qml-dir-location> <exe-location>

NOTE: add location of windeployqt to PATH eg. C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013\bin