Detect auto-click on a page

Using document.onreadystatechange will only work as expected in simple scenerios when no other third party libraries are included. Wrap you code inside the native DOMContentLoaded event.

  document.body.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
    if ('some-class')) {} // not used
    console.log("which", evt.which);
    console.log("isTrusted", evt.isTrusted);
  }, true);

  //this is the autoclick code!
  el = document.getElementById('target');
  if (el.onclick) {
  } else if ( {;

    <title>Hello, world!</title>

    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
    <div id="target"> aaaaa </div>


If you look at the event param passed to the function on a click, or whatever other event, you can look for the following which is a telltale sign that the clicker ain't human...

event.originalEvent === undefined

From what you've said I'd use the following to track clicks...

$(document).on("click", function(event){
       //not human

Can you check if both a click event and either a mouseup or touchend event happen within 100 ms of each other? If they don't it's likely an automated event.

let mouseuportouchend = false;
let click = false;
let timer = null;

const regMouseupOrTouchend = function(){
    mouseuportouchend = true;
    if (!timer) timer = setTimer();

const regClick = function(){
    click = true;
    if (!timer) timer = setTimer();

const setTimer = function(){
    timer = setTimeout(()=>{
        if (click && mouseuportouchend) console.log("Manual");
        else console.log ("Auto");
    }, 100)
let el = document.getElementById('target');
el.addEventListener("mouseup", regMouseupOrTouchend);
el.addEventListener("touchend", regMouseupOrTouchend);