Detect if content of EditText was changed by user or programmatically?

This sorted itself out a long time ago, but for anyone who finds their way here looking for an answer, here's what I did:

I ended up setting the Tag of the EditText to some arbitrary value right before I'm about to change it programmatically, and changing the value, and then resetting the Tag to null. Then in my TextWatcher.afterTextChanged() method I check if the Tag is null or not to determine if it was the user or the program that changed the value. Works like a charm!

Something like this:

edit.setTag( "arbitrary value" );
edit.setText( "My Text Value" );

and then

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
    if( view.getTag() == null )             
        // Value changed by user
        // Value changed by program

The accepted answer is perfectly valid, but I have another approach;

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, 
                         int start, int before, int count) {
    boolean userChange = Math.abs(count - before) == 1; 
    if (userChange) { 


It works by checking if the change was a single character. This is not a fool-proof solution as copy-paste operations might be missed, and non-user changes of a single character will also be missed. Depending on your use case, this might be a viable solution.