Determining why Redis is receiving a SIGTERM every minute or two

For anyone else still looking for a solution, Type=forking (which is default for redis installed with apt) is incompatible with supervised=systemd in redis.conf.

It has to be updated to Type=simple in /etc/systemd/system/redis.service.

Forking is only required in daemonized mode, but systemd managed redis overrules the daemonized setting.

Change from Restart=always to Restart=on-failure

For reference- redis.conf,

Just for the record: As in J G Miller's comment, you have to watch that "Type=simple" and "daemonize yes" settings are incompatible. I struggeld a few days while I found this comment. My redis just simply gave the start-limit-hit error because when the service started it immediately got the SIGTERM signal and stopped.

So either change in the service file the "Type=forking" or the "daemonize no" lines to solve this, depending on your needs.