Determining Yes or No?

Octave, 29 27 bytes

Thanks to @RickHithcock for pointing out a mistake, now corrected. Also, 2 bytes off thanks to @StewieGriffin!


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The ASCII code point of 'y' is odd, and that of 'n' is even. The code

  1. adds 1 to each char in the input string to make 'y' even and 'n' odd;
  2. computes the sum;
  3. reduces the result to 1 if even, 2 if odd;
  4. indexes (1-based) into the string 'yn'.

JavaScript (ES6), 28 bytes

Takes input as a string.


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JavaScript (ES6), 30 bytes

Takes input as an array of characters.


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Charcoal, 6 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:

    S   Input string
   № n  Count number of `n`s
§yn     Circularly index into string `yn`
        Implicitly print appropriate character