Different results using same query with DB::raw and Eloquent

where binds 3rd param and treats it usually as a string, unless you tell it not to by using raw statement. DB::raw or whereRaw will work for you:

return User::join('squad_user', 'users.id', '=', 'squad_user.user_id')
       ->join('seasons', 'squad_user.squad_id', '=', 'seasons.squad_id')
       ->where('squad_user.join_time', '<=', DB::raw('seasons.end_time'))
       ->where(function ($query)
           $query->where('squad_user.leave_time', '>=', DB::raw('seasons.start_time'))
       ->where('seasons.id', 3)

Since Laravel Verion 5.2 you can also use whereColumn to verify that two columns are equal (or pass a comparison operator to the method):

->whereColumn('squad_user.join_time', '<=', 'seasons.end_time')