Different results when using increment operator (arr[i++] vs arr[i]; i++;)

In the first code, when i is 8, oneOrZero[i] will evaluate to false because oneOrZero[8] == 0, but i will be incremented to 9 anyway, the increment is not dependent on the truthiness of the expression, it will happen as many times as the expression is evaluated.

So naturally when i == size is evaluated it's 9 == 9, this is, of course, true, therefore "All ones" will be printed giving you the wrong output.

In the second code i is incremented inside the body of the conditional expression, this means it will only be incremented if the condition is met, so when i is 8, oneOrZero[i] will evaluate to false and i is not incremented, retaining its 8 value.

In the next line statement i == size will be 8 == 9 which is false and "Has a zero" will be printed, giving you the correct output.

This is a typical off-by-one error when one uses a iteration index i also for a check (comparison with size). No worries, it happens to almost everyone, all the time.

The problem is that, even though the condition failed, we already changed the result (i) in oneOrZero[i++]. Our second variant doesn't fall into this trap, as the condition and the index increment are decoupled.

We can replicate that behavior with a simpler example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i = 0, size = 1, oneOrZero[] = {0};
    while (i < size && oneOrZero[i++]);
    if (i == size) printf("All ones"); else printf("Has a zero");

Now, let's check the condition by hand:

  1. i < size is fine, so we continue to evaluate the right-hand side.
  2. i++ increments i to 1 (aka size)
  3. oneOrZero[0] is 0, thus the condition fails

After this single iteration, i == size, and we print All ones.

Compare this to the other variant:

int main() {
    int i = 0, size = 1, oneOrZero[] = {0};
    while (i < size && oneOrZero[i]) {i++;}
    if (i == size) printf("All ones"); else printf("Has a zero");

Again, we check the condition:

  1. i < size is fine
  2. oneOrZero[0] == 0, so we stop.
  3. i never gets incremented

Thus i < size and we print Has a zero.

Note that it's possible to change the condition into

int i = -1;

while(++i < size && oneOrZero[i]);

but that needs careful documentation.