Disable download button for Google Chrome?

Demmongonis solution does work but be aware it can lead to unwanted results.

Android/Chrome sometimes, depends in the video I guess and other factors, adds buttons at the right of the download-button. i.e. the casting-button (there is no way to select it). It will make the download-button to remain visible and the last button to get hidden (casting-button)

casting button in Android 4.4 Chrome 55


It is posible now to hide the download button using the controlsList attribute:

<video controlsList="nodownload" ... />

You can inspect the controls of the native Chrome Video Player by activating the shadow DOM in Settings|Preferences -> Elements -> Show user agent shadow DOM

shadow dom

After that you can inspect the players buttons.

Player DOM

Now the problem is that the download button cannot be accessed via CSS for some reason.

video::-internal-media-controls-download-button {

won't work. Even selecting the preceding button and targeting its neighbor using + or ~ won't work.

The only way we found yet was nudging the button out of the viewable area by giving the control panel a greater width and making the enclosure overflow: hidden

video::-webkit-media-controls {
    overflow: hidden !important
video::-webkit-media-controls-enclosure {
    width: calc(100% + 32px);
    margin-left: auto;

I hope google will fix this issue soon because most content providers won't be happy with this...

or you can simply add nodownload in controlsList

<video width="512" height="380" controls controlsList="nodownload">
    <source data-src="mov_bbb.ogg" type="video/mp4">