Displaying a NuGet package's dependencies

Yes, there is.

# shows all available packages
PM> get-package -list

 # get single package info
PM> get-package -list solrnet.nhibernate

# view dependencies
PM> get-package -list solrnet.nhibernate | select dependencies

For anyone running Nuget v3 or higher (i.e. VS2015), if you run the command Get-Package, you will be given this message:

This Command/Parameter combination has been deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please consider using the new command that replaces it: 'Find-Package [-Id]'.

The documentation for Find-Package explains the new command rather well, and you can see there is no longer a -list parameter. Unfortunately it seems neither this new nor the old one will give you the dependencies. You can see all the properties returned like this:

Find-Package | Get-Member

Which will return:

   TypeName: NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.PowerShellRemotePackage

Name              MemberType Definition
----              ---------- ----------
Equals            Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode       Method     int GetHashCode()
GetType           Method     type GetType()
ToString          Method     string ToString()
AllVersions       Property   bool AllVersions {get;set;}
AsyncLazyVersions Property   Microsoft.VisualStudio.... snip
Description       Property   string Description {get;set;}
Id                Property   string Id {get;set;}
LicenseUrl        Property   string LicenseUrl {get;set;}
Version           Property   NuGet.SemanticVer.... snip
Versions          Property   System.Collections.... snip