Displaying selected bibliographic items in the body of the text

You may use biblatex and its \fullcite macro. Note that is not necessary to typeset the full bibliography.




  author = {Blinder, Alan S.},
  year = {1974},
  title = {The economics of brushing teeth},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Political Economy},
  volume = {82},
  number = {4},
  pages = {887--891},




% \begin{frame}
% \printbibliography
% \end{frame}


The biblatex-mla package doesn't define a \fullcite command (it would have been very helpful to have mentioned that you were using this package in your question). Adapting some code (and naming convention) from the biblatex-apa package, based on Hanging references using \fullcite, here is a solution to your problem. Since MLA uses different author name ordering in footnote references and bibliography references but you want to be able to display both, we define a \fullcitebib command which will insert a properly formatted full bibliography entry in the text and a \fullcitefoot command which will insert a properly formatted footnote-style entry.


   {\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\&\space}%

   {\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\&\space}%

  author = {Blinder, Alan S.},
  year = {1974},
  title = {The economics of brushing teeth},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Political Economy},
  volume = {82},
  number = {4},
  pages = {887--891},


%\renewcommand{\footnotesize}{\scriptsize} uncomment this if you want footnotes smaller

This is a full citation in  footnote style: \fullcitefoot{Bli74}.

This is a full citation in bibliography style: \fullcitebib{Bli74}



output of code