Custom alignment of columns in align environment

Making align break across pages is simple: add \allowdisplaybreaks[1] to your preamble.

And since your first column is text, it's also trivial to center it within align: just wrap it in a \makebox larger than all the images (which centers its contents) and use align as normal.


  \centerdia{dia1} & c=20x^2+5x-10+\frac{x^3-4x^2+500x-f(240)}{50}  \\
  \centerdia{dia2} & \mu=10*\epsilon\\
  \centerdia{dia3} & \mu=10*\epsilon

Use a modified version of align; change 2\tabcolsep into the separation you prefer.


x & a=b \\
yyy & c=d+e+f \\
zzzzzz & 1\ne0

enter image description here