Table of displayed formulae
Perhaps the array
packages offers a partial solution:
\newcolumntype{C}{>{$\displaystyle} c <{$}}
\begin {tabular}{| C | C |}\hline
\frac1{1+x^2} & \mathrm{atan}(x)+C \\\hline
\sqrt{x^2+h} & \ln\left(x+\sqrt{x^2+h}\right)+C\\\hline
For this kind of table, it's also possible to use the next code. I keep \tvi
to get the same height for each row and I use p{#1}
to control the width of each column.
\newcommand{\tvi}{\vrule height 17pt depth15pt width 0pt}
\newcolumntype{x}[1]{>{\hfil$\displaystyle} p{#1} <{$\hfil}}
\begin{tabular}{x{4cm} x{4cm} }\\
\text{\bfseries{Fonctions}} & \text{\bfseries{ Primitives}} \\ \midrule
\tvi \frac{ 1} {1+x^2 } & \mathrm{ arctan}\,(x)+C \\ \midrule
\tvi \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2+h}} & \log\bigl(x+\sqrt{x^2+h}\,\bigr)+C \\
Without an environment but with an old method : TeX
\def\tvi{\vrule height 12pt depth 5pt width 0pt}
\halign {\tv#&&\cc{$\displaystyle#$}&\tv#\cr
&\omit\cc{\bf Fonctions}&&\omit\cc{\bf Primitives}&\cr
height 17pt depth15pt&{1\over 1+x^2}&&{\rm Arctg}\,(x)+C&\cr
height 17pt depth17pt&{1\over\displaystyle\sqrt{x^2+h}}&&