Drawing Multiple Diagonal Arrows in a Table

You can place, for each arrow, two nodes (one to signal the start, and the other one the end) and then use a loop to connect each pair of nodes:


  \tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}


E_{1} & = & \tikzmark{e1}x_{1}^1\tikzmark{s1} & x_{1}^2\tikzmark{s2} & x_{1}^3\tikzmark{s3} & ... \\
E_{2} & = & \tikzmark{e2}x_{2}^1 & x_{2}^2 & x_{2}^3\tikzmark{s4} & ... \\
E_{3} & = & \tikzmark{e3}x_{3}^1 & \tikzmark{e4}x_{3}^2 & \tikzmark{e5}x_{3}^3\tikzmark{s5} & ... \\
... \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,5}
  \draw[->] ($(s\i.north east)+(-0.1,0.1)$) -- ($(e\i.south west)+(0.1,0)$);


enter image description here

As the above image shows, the lines are not parallel; to correct this, perhaps the fastest way is to use a matrix of nodes:



\matrix[matrix of math nodes,inner sep=1pt,row sep=1em,column sep=1em] (M)
    E_1 & = & x_{1}^{1} & x_{1}^{2} & x_{1}^{3}  & \cdots \\
    E_2 & = & x_{2}^{1} & x_{2}^{2} & x_{2}^{3}  & \cdots \\
    E_3 & = & x_{3}^{1} & x_{3}^{2} & x_{3}^{3}  & \cdots \\
    \cdots \\
\draw[->] (M-1-3.north east) -- (M-1-3.south west);
\draw[->] (M-1-4.north east) -- (M-2-3.south west);
\draw[->] (M-1-5.north east) -- (M-3-3.south west);
\draw[->] (M-1-3.north east) -- (M-1-3.south west);
\draw[->] (M-2-5.north east) -- (M-3-4.south west);
\draw[->] (M-3-5.north east) -- (M-3-5.south west);


enter image description here

Here an example that I made a long time ago for texample.net You need only few modifications to get what you want.

% Mnemonic rule for matrix determinant 
% Author: Alain Matthes

\tikzset{node style ge/.style={circle}}
    a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}  \\
    a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}  \\
    a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}  \\

  \tikzset{BarreStyle/.style =   {opacity=.4,line width=4 mm,line cap=round,color=#1}}
  \tikzset{SignePlus/.style  =   {above left,,opacity=1,circle,fill=#1!50}}
  \tikzset{SigneMoins/.style =   {below left,,opacity=1,circle,fill=#1!50}}
% les matrices
\matrix (A) [matrix of math nodes, nodes = {node style ge},,column sep=0 mm] 
{ a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}  \\
  a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}  \\
  a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}  \\
  a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}  \\
  a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{13  }\\

 \draw [BarreStyle=blue] (A-1-1.north west) node[SignePlus=blue] {$+$} to (A-3-3.south east) ;
 \draw [BarreStyle=blue] (A-2-1.north west) node[SignePlus=blue] {$+$} to (A-4-3.south east) ;
 \draw [BarreStyle=blue] (A-3-1.north west) node[SignePlus=blue] {$+$} to (A-5-3.south east) ;
 \draw [BarreStyle=red]  (A-3-1.south west) node[SigneMoins=red] {$-$} to (A-1-3.north east);
 \draw [BarreStyle=red]  (A-4-1.south west) node[SigneMoins=red] {$-$} to (A-2-3.north east);
 \draw [BarreStyle=red]  (A-5-1.south west) node[SigneMoins=red] {$-$} to (A-3-3.north east);


enter image description here

The same with psmatrix. Run it with xelatex


\[ \begin{psmatrix}[colsep=2mm,rowsep=2mm]
E_1 & = & [name=A]x_1^1 & x_1^2 & x_1^3 & \ldots \\
E_2 & = & x_2^1 & x_2^2 & x_2^3 & \ldots \\
E_3 & = & x_3^1 & x_3^2 & [name=B]x_3^3 & \ldots \\
\end{psmatrix}  \]
\pcline(!\psGetNodeCenter{A} A.x 0.01 add A.y 0.01 add)(A)
\pcline(!\psGetNodeCenter{B} B.x 0.01 add B.y 0.01 add)(B)


enter image description here