Divinacci Sequence

05AB1E, 9 bytes


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XÎ          # initialize stack with 1,0,input
  F         # input times do
   D        # duplicate
    Š       # move down 2 places on the stack
     ‚      # pair the top 2 elements on the stack
      Ñ     # compute divisors of each
       OO   # sum twice

Mathematica, 45 40 bytes


Mathematica's divisor related functions Divisors, DivisorSum and DivisorSigma are all undefined for n = 0 (rightly so), so we start from f(1) = f(2) = 1 and don't support input 0.

Defining it as an operator instead of using an unnamed function seems to be two bytes longer:


Perl 6, 58 bytes

{my&d={sum grep $_%%*,1..$_};(0,1,{d($^a)+d $^b}...*)[$_]}

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