Django reset auto-increment pk/id field for production

You can reset model id sequence using sqlsequencereset command

python sqlsequencereset myapp1 myapp2 myapp3| psql

If you want to read the generated sql command, just execute that command without pipe it to psql.

python sqlsequencereset myapp1 myapp2 myapp3

You need use this command over your production database. But, as @knbk mentioned, if your production database is new, you don't need to reset id sequences.

Alternative to sqlsequencereset: Update directly with SQLite

Development Environnement with the default db.sqlite3 database

I was struggling for some time trying the answers given here and I kept receiving :

python sqlsequencereset AppName
>> No sequences found.

The easiest workaround for me was to directly update my SQLite database (i run my app locally):

# Open your database
sqlite3 db.sqlite3

And, in the SQLite prompt:

UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = 0 WHERE = "<AppName_ModelName>";

I set the value to zero so it starts with id = 1.

EDIT : This is my very first post, please let me know if I should improve the format!