How to check if a value is a number in SQLite
From the documentation,
The typeof(X) function returns a string that indicates the datatype of the expression X: "null", "integer", "real", "text", or "blob".
You can use where typeof(mycolumn) = "integer"
select * from mytable where abs(mycolumn) <> 0.0 or mycolumn = '0'!5/f1081/2
Based on this answer
FROM mytable
WHERE columnNumeric GLOB '*[0-9]*'
You could try something like this also:
select * from mytable where printf("%d", field1) = field1;
In case your column is text and contains numeric and string, this might be somewhat helpful in extracting integer data.
CREATE TABLE mytable (field1 text);
insert into mytable values (1);
insert into mytable values ('a');
select * from mytable where printf("%d", field1) = field1;