Django: "Unknown Column" when run makemigrations on an app after adding an Integer Field

It looks like you are making a db query either when your module is imported or when the app is being registered: curstart = mymodel.MyManagerObjects.get().old_field

This means when you run any management command like runserver, makemigrations or migrate, if you've changed your models then they will be out of sync with your database, and making the query will throw an exception before the command can do what it's supposed to (like make your migrations).

If possible, modify your code so MyManagerObjects.get() isn't called at load time, eg by using a lambda function or wrapping it in a method that you can call at run time.

If that's not possible, you'll need to comment out that section of the code every time you make or run migrations, but that's really messy.

Update: In the full traceback there's the line:

File ".../myapp/", line 154, in MyListFilter
    x = mymodel.MyManagerObjects.get()

which means the get is being run when the admin file is imported. I think you may need to put the call to mymodel.MyManagerObjects.get() in MyListFilter.queryset() instead of in the class declaration.