Docker Quickstart Terminal fails to start VirtualBox VM in Windows 10

One of the answers to this question solved my problem. Here it is with a few edits:

I found a solution

  1. Open Windows Network Connections
  2. Right click on VirtualBox Host only adapter that was created
  3. Choose properties
  4. Check "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking driver"
  5. Disable and Enable the highlighted item

Adapter properties

For me "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver" was not checked. I checked it and clicked OK to close the Properties window. After that, the Docker Quickstart Terminal was able to start the VM successfully.

The same thing happened to me. At this moment I am using Windows Home.

At least in my case, what happened was that the environment variables DOCKER_MACHINE and DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH were not created for the system.

I just had to add them and it worked.
