Does C# 7 allow to deconstruct tuples in linq expressions

It seems not.

There's an open issue for this on GitHub:


Issue moved to dotnet/csharplang#355

Deconstruction in Linq queries isn't supported in C# 7.0.

Only three forms of deconstruction made it into C# 7.0 (deconstruction in assignment, in "foreach" loop and in "for" loop). But when the language design committee considered all the possible places that declare variables (and thus would be candidates for deconstruction) and prioritized them, the deconstruction in "let" (and possibly "from") clauses were next in line.

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You can do something like this:

public static (string Original, string Translation) Convert(string word)
    return ("Hello", "Hello translated");
static void Main(string[] args)
    List<string> words = new List<string>();

    var result = from word in words
                    select Convert(word).Translation;

    Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!" + result.FirstOrDefault());