Does Evince support javascript in pdf files?

Essentially, it doesn't support it, so you can't turn it off.

[update 05.2018]: bug moved over to gitlab.

There is a bug report on this on bugzilla.
It is classified as Normal Enhancement.
Unfortunately I have no clue if they are actively working on it or not..

No, evince does not support Javascript.

How to verify this?

To make it easier for others to verify the up-to-dateness of this answer, you can query two information sources:

  1. There exists an official bug report (Support Javascript in PDF Documents) handling the feature request for Javascript, which - by now - does not mention a version for which the Javascript support is planned:

    Version: unspecified
    Importance: Normal enhancement

  2. Look at the official roadmap of evince, especially at the Javascript line from Roadmap#Unresourced: Evince Roadmap - Unresourced - Highlight Javascript Status