Save Unity Desktop Session

I have made a workaround that is a script that helps to configure your session.

Download it here.
Make it executable and run from terminal ./session.config

You can view the code of script ( ), there are explanations in each part. It will create a startup script which will move to each viewport and open the specified application.

Also you can run it whenever you want just press Alt + F2 and paste ~/.sessionconf.


To remove any changes made by my script just delete this files:

  • ~/session.config
  • ~/sessionconf
  • ~/sessionconf.bak
  • ~/.config/autostart/sessionconf.desktop

Or run this at terminal:

rm ~/session.config ; rm ~/sessionconf ; rm ~/sessionconf.bak ; rm ~/.config/autostart/sessionconf.desktop  

You can do this: killall gnome-session. As we know that entering the command sudo gnome-session-save --logout will log out the system. This will save the current session on Unity. I have tried this.

Or may be you can read about how to make a program auto-start everytime you log in.

Or you can try this gconf-editor key:

/apps/gnome-session/options/auto_save_session = true

No - as you've described it is not currently possible on Ubuntu versions 11.04 and up.

You may read this bug report, comment 24 in particular

or here is a more complete explanation (too long to copy here)?