Does the CLR perform "lock elision" optimization? If not why not?

EDIT: As chibacity points out below, this is talking about making locks really cheap rather than completely eliminating them. I don't believe the JIT has the concept of "thread-local objects" although I could be mistaken... and even if it doesn't now, it might in the future of course.

EDIT: Okay, the below explanation is over-simplified, but has at least some basis in reality :) See Joe Duffy's blog post for some rather more detailed information.

I can't remember where I read this - probably "CLR via C#" or "Concurrent Programming on Windows" - but I believe that the CLR allocates sync blocks to objects lazily, only when required. When an object whose monitor has never been contested is locked, the object header is atomically updated with a compare-exchange operation to say "I'm locked". If a different thread then tries to acquire the lock, the CLR will be able to determine that it's already locked, and basically upgrade that lock to a "full" one, allocating it a sync block.

When an object has a "full" lock, locking operations are more expensive than locking and unlocking an otherwise-uncontested object.

If I'm right about this (and it's a pretty hazy memory) it should be feasible to lock and unlock a monitor on different threads cheaply, so long as the locks never overlap (i.e. there's no contention).

I'll see if I can dig up some evidence for this...

It's neat, but is it useful? I have a hard time coming up with an example where the compiler can prove that a lock is thread local. Almost all classes don't use locking by default, and when you choose one that locks, then in most cases it will be referenced from some kind of static variable foiling the compiler optimization anyways.

Another thing is that the java vm uses escape analysis in its proof. And AFAIK .net hasn't implemented escape analysis. Other uses of escape analysis such as replacing heap allocations with stack allocations sound much more useful and should be implemented first.

IMO it's currently not worth the coding effort. There are many areas in the .net VM which are not optimized very well and have much bigger impact.

SSE vector instructions and delegate inlining are two examples from which my code would profit much more than from this optimization.