Draw a cross symbol through arrow in tikzpicture
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={baseline=(top.base),
level distance=2em, sibling distance=4em, align=center,
parent anchor=south, child anchor=north, anchor=north}, sibling distance=15pt}
% Marque croix en diagonale
Cross/.style args={#1 and #2}{%
code = {%
\draw[#2,rotate=45,scale=1.4,very thick]
(0,#1 pt) -- (0,-#1 pt) ;
\draw[#2,rotate=-45,scale=1.4,very thick]
(0,#1 pt) -- (0,-#1 pt) ;
Cross/.default={2.5 and gray!25!black}}
\begin{tikzpicture} [inv/.style={overlay, coordinate }, sibling distance=10pt]
\Tree [.XP \node(AA){X}; [.YP [.Y ] [.ZP Z \node(BB){X}; ] ]]]]
\draw[ -> ] (AA.south)
.. controls +(south:5em)
and +(south:2em) .. (BB.south) pic[pos=.35,-,rotate=30] {Cross={4 and red}} ;
Some easy solutions:
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={baseline=(top.base),
level distance=2em, sibling distance=4em, align=center,
parent anchor=south, child anchor=north, anchor=north}, sibling distance=15pt}
\begin{tikzpicture} [inv/.style={overlay, coordinate }, sibling distance=10pt]
\Tree [.XP \node(AA){X}; [.YP [.Y ] [.ZP Z \node(BB){X}; ] ]]]]
\draw[ ->,red] (AA.south)
.. controls +(south:5em)
and +(south:2em) .. (BB.south) node[pos=0.3,sloped]{\Large$X$};
\draw[ -> ,blue] ([xshift=-15,yshift=-15]AA.south)
.. controls +(south:5em)
and +(south:2em) .. ([xshift=-15,yshift=-15]BB.south) node[pos=0.3,sloped,rotate=45]{\Large$|$}node[pos=0.3,rotate=-65]{\Large$|$};
PS: Shifted just to demonstrate next to each other
And yet another proposal, based on this answer, mainly to say that Ignasi did this some time ago.
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={baseline=(top.base),
level distance=2em, sibling distance=4em, align=center,
parent anchor=south, child anchor=north, anchor=north}, sibling distance=15pt}
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/124064/121799
\tikzset{cross/.style={cross out, draw,
minimum size=2*(#1-\pgflinewidth),
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}}
\begin{tikzpicture} [inv/.style={overlay, coordinate }, sibling distance=10pt]
\Tree [.XP \node(AA){X}; [.YP [.Y ] [.ZP Z \node(BB){X}; ] ]]]]
\draw[ ->] (AA.south)
.. controls +(south:5em)
and +(south:2em) .. (BB.south) node[pos=0.4,cross=5pt,sloped]{};