Draw arrows to show multiplication pattern (distributive property)
Just a more beautiful solution with PSTricks.
\def\lbl#1{\ncput*{\text{\tiny #1}}}
\abovedisplayskip=0pt\relax% don't use this line in your production
The following code maybe a starting point for you:
\tikz[remember picture,baseline,inner sep=0pt] {%
\node [name=source-\thesource,anchor=base]{$#1$};
\tikz[remember picture,baseline,inner sep=0pt] {%
\node [name=target-\thetarget,anchor=base]{$#1$};
\tikz[remember picture, overlay, bend left=45, -latex] {
\foreach \j [evaluate=\j as \m using int(\j)] in {1,...,\thesource}{
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \n using int(\i-1)] in {1,...,\thetarget} {
\draw [red](source-0.north) to (target-\n.north) coordinate (UP);
\node [red] at (UP) [above] {1};
\tikz[remember picture, overlay, bend left=-45, -latex] {
\foreach \j [evaluate=\j as \m using int(\j)] in {1,...,\thesource}{
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \n using int(\i-1)] in {1,...,\thetarget} {
\draw [blue](source-1.south) to (target-\n.south) coordinate (DOWN) ;
\node [blue] at (DOWN) [below] {2};
Update: Labeling each arrow:
\tikz[remember picture,baseline,inner sep=0pt] {%
\node [name=source-\thesource,anchor=base]{$#1$};
\tikz[remember picture,baseline,inner xsep=0pt] {%
\node [name=target-\thetarget,anchor=base]{$#1$};
\tikz[remember picture, overlay, bend left=45, -latex] {
\foreach \j [evaluate=\j as \m using int(\j)] in {1,...,\thesource}{
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \n using int(\i-1)] in {1,...,\thetarget} {
\draw [red](source-0.north) to (target-\n.north) ;
\node [red] at ([xshift=-5mm]target-\n.north) [above=2mm] {\i};
\tikz[remember picture, overlay, bend left=-45, -latex] {
\foreach \j [evaluate=\j as \m using int(\j)] in {1,...,\thesource}{
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \n using int(\i-1)] in {1,...,\thetarget} {
\draw [blue](source-1.south) to (target-\n.south) ;
\node [blue] at ([xshift=-2mm]target-\n.south) [below=2mm] {\pgfmathprintnumber \ii};
and the output:
Another solution with pstricks
, compilable with pdflatex
, if you launch it with the --enable-write18
switch if you're under MiKTeX, or -shell-escape
(TeX Live, MacTeX). Alternatively, you can compile with XeLaTeX
(\rnode{X1}{2x}+\rnode{Y1}{\smash[b]{3y}})(\rnode{X2}{4x}+\rnode{Y2}{5y}) & = (2x)(4x)+(2x)(5y)+(3y)(4x)+(3y)(5y) \\
& = 8x²+10xy+12xy+15y² \\
& = 8x²+22xy+15y²
\psset{angle=90,nodesep=2pt, arrows=<->, arrowinset=0.2}