Drawing complex inscribed and circumscribed polygons in TikZ
Much of manual placement which might be coded prettier, but the following comes close to your picture (some font mismatches because I was too lazy to search for a font matching the numbers are apparent):
\draw[fill=gray!50,thick] (-4.5,-4.5) rectangle (4.5,4.5);
\node[anchor=north, font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (0,4.5) {Heading Display};
\node[fill,draw, minimum size=5cm, shape=regular polygon, regular polygon
sides=6] (black) {};
\node[fill=white, draw, minimum size=2.1cm, shape=regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=6, rotate=30] at(-90:1.05cm) (innerB) {};
\node[fill=white, draw, minimum size=2.1cm, shape=regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=6, rotate=30] at(30:1.05cm) (innerR) {};
\node[fill=white, draw, minimum size=2.1cm, shape=regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=6, rotate=30] at(150:1.05cm) (innerL) {};
\node[anchor=north, font=\color{white}\sffamily\footnotesize, inner sep=5pt]
at (black.north) {NEXT HEX};
\begin{scope}[shift=(innerB),x=3mm, y=3mm]
\filldraw (-.75,-1) -- (.75,-1) -- (0,1) -- cycle;
\node[anchor=south, font=\sffamily\bfseries\tiny] at(0,1) {CURRENT};
\node[anchor=north, font=\sffamily\bfseries\tiny] at(0,-1) {HEX};
\foreach[count=\n]\x in {30,60,...,360}
(-.5,-.5) -- (-.5,.5) -- (.5,.5) -- (.5,-.5) -- cycle;
(-.3,-.4) -- ++(0,.5) -- ++(-.1,0) -- ++(.4,.3) -- ++(.4,-.3)
-- ++(-.1,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -- cycle
\path (90-\x:3.2cm) node {\n};
Everything has been calculated according to the known dimensions of the regular 6- and 12-sided polygons.
The radius is a defined variable that can be modified to enlarge or reduce the figure. \def\rayon{2.5cm}
The arrows are now centered in the squares without touching their sides.
\begin{tikzpicture}[every label/.style={draw,minimum size=1cm}]
\node[draw,minimum size={2*\rayon},regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,fill=black] (a) {};
\node[circle,minimum size={\rayon * 2}](b){};
\node[circle,minimum size={\rayon*2+sqrt(2-sqrt(3))*\rayon}](c){};
\coordinate (i1) at ($(a.side 1)!.5!(a.side 5)$);
\coordinate (i2) at ($(a.side 1)!.5!(a.side 3)$);
\coordinate (i3) at ($(a.side 3)!.5!(a.side 5)$);
\node[draw,minimum size={sqrt(3)/2*\rayon},regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,rotate=30,fill=white]at(i1){};
\node[draw,minimum size={sqrt(3)/2*\rayon},regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,rotate=30,fill=white]at(i2){};
\node[draw,minimum size={sqrt(3)/2*\rayon},regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,rotate=30,fill=white]at(i3){};
\begin{scope}[every label/.style={single arrow,draw,minimum size={sqrt(2-sqrt(3))*\rayon-10pt}}]
\foreach \a [count=\n] in {60,30,...,-270}{
\node[draw,minimum size={sqrt(2-sqrt(3))*\rayon},anchor=west,rotate=\a,label={[anchor=west,shift={(\a:5pt)},rotate=\a]west:\phantom{11}}] at (b.\a){};
\node at (c.\a){\n};