Drawing Hypergraph using TikZ
You can change the inner sep
of hyper edge or conditional edge so that they both will have different sizes.
I don't have a good solution for the second part using fit
library. I just drew that conditional edge.
\usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning, fit, shapes.misc}
he/.style={draw, rounded corners,inner sep=0pt}, % he = hyper edge
ce/.style={draw,dashed, rounded corners=10pt}, % ce = condition edge
\node (f) at (0,0) {$F$};
\node (g) at (1,0) {$G$};
\node (e) at (2,0) {$E$};
\node (d) at (2,1) {$D$};
\node (a) at (2,2) {$A$};
\node (b) at (3,2) {$B$};
\node [he, fit=(f) (g)] {};
\node [ce, fit=(g) (e)] {};
\node [he, fit=(a) (d) (e)] {};
\node [fit=(a) (b) (d)] (fd){};
\draw [dashed,rounded corners=10pt] ($(fd.south west)+(0,-0.5)$) -- (fd.north west) -- ($(fd.north east)+(0.5,0)$)--cycle;
You can use my (semi) library (https://gitlab.com/gruenwald/tikz-hypergraphs) that I made for exactly this purpose:
\usepackage{ifthen} % For tikz-hypergraph
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % For tikz-hypergraph
he/.style={draw, semithick}, % he = hyper edge
ce/.style={draw, dashed, semithick}, % ce = condition edge
\node (f) at (0,0) {$F$};
\node (g) at (1,0) {$G$};
\node (e) at (2,0) {$E$};
\node (d) at (2,1) {$D$};
\node (a) at (2,2) {$A$};
\node (b) at (3,2) {$B$};
\draw[he] \hedgeii{a}{b}{3mm};
\draw[he] \hedgeii{a}{e}{3mm};
\draw[ce] \hedgeiii{a}{b}{d}{4mm};
\draw[ce] \hedgeii{g}{e}{4mm};
\draw[he] \hedgeii{f}{g}{3mm};