Drawing Markov Decision Processes with Tikz
Time spent on learning something will never go a waste!
As suggested in the comments, you have to use angles
and quotes
library. Let us say you have 3 points A
, B
and C
. Then the angle ABC
can be drawn like this:
\coordinate (B);
\coordinate (A) at (3,3);
\coordinate (C) at (3,0);
\draw (B) -- (C) (B) -- (A);
\path pic[draw, angle radius=6mm,"a",angle eccentricity=1.2] {angle = C--B--A};
Here angle radius
is the radius of the arc and angle eccentricity
is the radial distance of the label from the arc (the value 1 is on the arc)
Applying this to your code:
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,node distance=8mm,>=latex,font=\small]
\node[round] (s0) {$s_0$};
\node[round,above right=0mm and 20mm of s0] (s1) {$s_1$};
\node[round,below right=0mm and 20mm of s0] (s2) {$s_2$};
\draw[->] (s0) -- (s1);
\draw[->] (s0) -- (s2);
\draw[->] (s0) [out=40,in=100,loop] to coordinate[pos=0.1](aa) (s0);
\path pic[draw, angle radius=6mm,"\vphantom{g}a",angle eccentricity=1.2] {angle = s2--s0--aa};
angle radius
and angle eccentricity
need to be carefully adjusted here since one of the lines is a curve.