Drawing percolation configuration with TikZ
Okay here is a starting point for you. Actually drawing the hexagons is not complicated, you just can use the shapes.geometric
library of tikz. Instead of \ifthenelse
I found it easier to use an \ifnum
statement to implement the conditional treatment. You have to be a little careful with the number of nodes you`re using to not exceed the capacity of Tex. Probably playing with the size of nodes or switching to LuaLatex could help.
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={regular polygon, regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=1cm}]
\foreach \y [count=\yi] in {1,2,...,90}{
\foreach \x in {0,1.5,...,45}{
\node[draw=white, fill=gray] at ({\x + mod(\yi,2)*0.75},{\y*sqrt(3)/4}) {};
\node[draw=white, fill=gray!25] at ({\x + mod(\yi,2)*0.75},{\y*sqrt(3)/4}) {};
Rendering the image with LuaLaTex helps in overcoming the memory limitations. The following picture is drawn with ymax=360 and xmax=180:
Edit 2
Okay here is some code for your bond percolation problem.
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={ultra thick, black}]
\coordinate (xa) at ({-1cm-0.8pt},0); % correcting the vectors for half the line width (0.8pt) of ultra thick
\coordinate (ya) at (0,{-1cm-0.8pt});
\coordinate (xb) at (0.8pt,0);
\coordinate (yb) at (0,0.8pt);
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,50}{
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,50}{
\draw ($(\x,\y)+(xa)$) -- ($(\x,\y)+(xb)$);
\draw ($(\x,\y)+(ya)$) -- ($(\x,\y)+(yb)$);