Drawing simple mediation diagram in R
You can use the 'psych' package to test your moderation/mediation and it will give you a plot as well.
mediate(Output ~ Independent1 + (Mediator), data =mydata)
Here are two versions of a mediation diagram built with DiagrammeR
and a third built with TikZ. Each has strengths and weaknesses:
DiagrammeR + Graphviz:
- Pros: easy to create diagrams with provided function, lots of options to adjust design of nodes.
- Cons: few options to adjust text on edges, output is an htmlwidget object that can print to pdf but may require conversion under specific circumstances such as within a for-loop.
- Pros: highly customizable, including text on edges; easy to generate diagram with provided function
- Cons: if you need HTML output, it's designed for LaTeX; syntax can be confusing
DiagrammeR native syntax (offered just for completeness)
- Pros: code very easy to read, edit for
users - Cons: even fewer apparent ways to adjust text on edges
- Pros: code very easy to read, edit for
I've coded the first and second examples with a function med_diagram
that uses the glue
package to assemble the relevant graphviz or TikZ code. The function requires a data.frame that expects one row with columns for relevant labels and coefficients. For the DiagrammeR-specific function, there are also arguments to adjust various elements of the design.
Diagrammer + Graphviz
med_data <-
lab_x = "Math\\nAbility",
lab_m = "Math\\nself-efficacy",
lab_y = "Interest in the\\nmath major",
coef_xm = ".47*",
coef_my = ".36*",
coef_xy = "0.33* (.16)"
med_diagram <- function(data, height = .75, width = 2, graph_label = NA, node_text_size = 12, edge_text_size = 12, color = "black", ranksep = .2, minlen = 3){
data$height <- height # node height
data$width <- width # node width
data$color <- color # node + edge border color
data$ranksep <- ranksep # separation btwn mediator row and x->y row
data$minlen <- minlen # minimum edge length
data$node_text_size <- node_text_size
data$edge_text_size <- edge_text_size
data$graph_label <- ifelse(is.na(graph_label), "", paste0("label = '", graph_label, "'"))
diagram_out <- glue::glue_data(data,
"digraph flowchart {
fontname = Helvetica
graph [ranksep = <<ranksep>>]
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [fontname = Helvetica, shape = rectangle, fixedsize = TRUE, width = <<width>>, height = <<height>>, fontsize = <<node_text_size>>, color = <<color>>]
mm [label = '<<lab_m>>']
xx [label = '<<lab_x>>']
yy [label = '<<lab_y>>']
# edge definitions with the node IDs
edge [minlen = <<minlen>>, fontname = Helvetica, fontsize = <<edge_text_size>>, color = <<color>>]
mm -> yy [label = '<<coef_my>>'];
xx -> mm [label = '<<coef_xm>>'];
xx -> yy [label = '<<coef_xy>>'];
{ rank = same; mm }
{ rank = same; xx; yy }
", .open = "<<", .close = ">>")
TikZ and PGF need to be loaded as LaTeX packages in the preamble. The sample code below includes both those packages and some additional commands that, for example, set a global specification for 'mynode' used in the diagram. I received a warning to include \pgfplotsset{compat=1.17}
in my preamble but that may not be necessary for others. Note, this code builds on the example provided here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/225940/34597
title: "Sample Rmd"
author: "Your name here"
output: pdf_document
- \usepackage{tikz}
- \usepackage{pgfplots}
- \pgfplotsset{compat=1.17}
- \tikzset{mynode/.style={draw,text width=1in,align=center} }
- \usetikzlibrary{positioning}
```{r, load_packages, include = FALSE}
```{r, load_function}
med_diagram_tikz <- function(data) {
\\node[mynode] (m){<<lab_m>>};
\\node[mynode,below left=of m](x) {<<lab_x>>};
\\node[mynode,below right=of m](y) {<<lab_y>>};
\\draw[-latex] (x.north) -- node[auto] {<<coef_xm>>} (m.west);
\\draw[-latex] (m.east) -- node[auto] {<<coef_my>>} (y.north);
\\draw[-latex] (x.east) --
node[below=2mm, align=center] {<<coef_xy>>} (y.west);
.open = "<<", .close = ">>"
```{r create_diagram, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'}
med_data <-
lab_x = "Math\\\\Ability",
lab_m = "Math\\\\self-efficacy",
lab_y = "Interest in the\\\\math major",
coef_xm = ".47*",
coef_my = ".36*",
coef_xy = "0.33* (.16)"
tikz_diagram_out <- med_diagram_tikz(med_data)
# requires chunk header to be set to results = 'asis'
cat("\n", tikz_diagram_out, "\n")
Diagrammer native syntax
This third version of a mediation diagram uses syntax that's more easily understood by R
users but I don't love how the edge label text gets placed oddly (hence the two alternative versions above).
# Create a node data frame (ndf)
ndf <- create_node_df(
n = 3,
label = c( "Math\nself-efficacy","Math\nability", "Interest in\nthe math major"),
shape = rep("rectangle", 3),
style = "empty",
fontsize = 6,
fixedsize = TRUE,
height = .5,
width = .75,
color = "gray80",
x = c(1, 2, 3),
y = c(1, 2, 1)
# Create an edge data frame (edf)
edf <- create_edge_df(
from = c(1, 1, 2),
to = c(2, 3, 3),
label = c(".47*", ".33* (.16)", ".36*"),
fontsize = 6,
minlen = 1,
color = "gray80",
# Create a graph with the ndf and edf
graph <- create_graph(
nodes_df = ndf,
edges_df = edf
graph %>%
While @baptiste solution might work as well, I was looking for a publishable format.
Function plotmat
from library(diagram)
is the one that got me the closest to my example:
For a reproducible example use:
data <- c(0, "'.47*'", 0,
0, 0, 0,
"'.36*'", "'.33* (.16)'", 0)
M<- matrix (nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow = TRUE, data=data)
plot<- plotmat (M, pos=c(1,2),
name= c( "Math self-efficacy","Math ability", "Interest in the math major"),
box.type = "rect", box.size = 0.12, box.prop=0.5, curve=0)