dynamic class inheritance using super

Note the solution of sadmicrowave creates an infinite loop if the dynamically-created class gets inherited as self.__class__ will correspond to the child class.

An alternative way which do not have this issue is to assigns __init__ after creating the class, such as the class can be linked explicitly through closure. Example:

# Base class
class A():
  def __init__(self):

# Dynamically created class
B = type('B', (A,), {})

def __init__(self):
  super(B, self).__init__()

B.__init__ = __init__

# Child class
class C(B):
  def __init__(self):

C()  # print C, B, A

Here is how I solved the issue. I reference the type() method to dynamically instantiate a class with variable references as such:

def __constructor__(self, n, d, c, h):
    # initialize super of class type
    super(self.__class__, self).__init__(name=n, description=d, cost=c, hp=h)

# create the object class dynamically, utilizing __constructor__ for __init__ method
item = type(item_name, (eval("{}.{}".format(name,row[1].value)),), {'__init__':__constructor__})
# add new object to the global _objects object to be used throughout the world
self._objects[ item_name ] = item(row[0].value, row[2].value, row[3].value, row[4].value)

There may be a better way to accomplish this, but I needed a fix and this is what I came up with... use it if you can.