Angular2, disable button if no checkbox selected

Use the propertie [disable] as:

<input type="checkbox" [(ng-model)]="disableButton1"> VALUE1
<input type="checkbox" [(ng-model)]="disableButton2"> VALUE1
<input type="checkbox" [(ng-model)]="disableButton3"> VALUE1
<input type="checkbox" [(ng-model)]="disableButton4"> VALUE1
<button type="button" [disabled]="disableButton || disableButton2">Submit</button>

One way is to use ngModel on each checkbox, then control the button's disabled property via a method that examines each checkbox model state:

  template: `
    <label *ngFor="let cb of checkboxes">
      <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="cb.state">{{cb.label}}
    <p><button [disabled]="buttonState()">button</button>
class App {
  checkboxes = [{label: 'one'},{label: 'two'}];
  constructor() {}
  buttonState() {
    return !this.checkboxes.some(_ => _.state);
