React Native, TouchableOpacity wrapping floating button get nothing

TouchableOpacity does not assume the style of the view it is the parent of. You need provide it style information.

I know this is old but I had this issue and nothing above worked until adding flex: 1 to my TouchableOpacity.

From my experience, TouchableOpacity does not work well with absolute positioning. Perhaps if you remove that, the onPress will work again.

Also please note that it is EXTREMELY important what element you render first and what you render last.

For example, if you do:

    <TouchableOpacity style={{position:'absolute'}} onPress={()=> 
           {console.log("It works or not?")}}>
    <Text style={styles.aStyle}>
        Some text bla bla......

There is a pretty good chance that the Text will be rendered on top of the TouchableOpacity, therefore you won't be able to get the onPress working.

Then since the position is absolute, all you have to do is render it as the last child of the View:

    <Text style={styles.aStyle}>
        Some text bla bla
    <TouchableOpacity style={{position:'absolute'}} onPress={()=> 
       {console.log("It works or not?")}}>