Dynamic Epicycles

Here is a slight modernization of old code by Stan Wagon for generating epicycles, based on this paper by Frank Farris:

Options[EpicyclePlot] =
{AnimationRunning -> True, ColorFunction -> Automatic, "Frames" -> 16,
 "Movie" -> True, "MovieTimeInterval" -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> 100, 
 "ShowWheels" -> True};

EpicyclePlot[{radii_, speeds_, offsets_}, {a_, b_},
             opts : OptionsPattern[{EpicyclePlot, ParametricPlot, ListAnimate}]] := 
        Module[{n = Length[radii], armEnds, centers, cf, fr, frn, mInt, pp, t},
               mInt = OptionValue["MovieTimeInterval"] /. Automatic -> {a, b};
               cf = OptionValue[ColorFunction] /.
                    Automatic -> (Lighter[Hue[#/(n + 1)]] &);
               pp = ParametricPlot[{Cos[speeds t + offsets],
                                    Sin[speeds t + offsets]}.radii, {t, a, b},
                                   Evaluated -> True, 
                                   Evaluate[FilterRules[{opts} ~Join~
                                   Axes -> None, PlotRange -> All];
               fr = OptionValue["Frames"];
               frn = Table[armEnds = Transpose[{radii Cos[speeds t + offsets], 
                                                radii Sin[speeds t + offsets]}];
                           centers = FoldList[Plus, {0, 0}, armEnds];
                                            Table[{Directive[cf[i], EdgeForm[Black]], 
                                                   Disk[centers[[i]], radii[[i]]]},
                                                  {i, n}], {}]], pp, 
                                Graphics[{AbsoluteThickness[1], Line[centers], 
                                          AbsolutePointSize[5], Point[centers]}], 
                                         FilterRules[{opts}, Options[Graphics]], 
                                         PlotRange -> (1.15 Total[radii])],
                           {t, mInt[[1]], mInt[[2]],
                            (mInt[[2]] - mInt[[1]])/(fr - Boole[fr > 1])}];
               If[TrueQ[OptionValue["Movie"]] && fr > 1, 
                  ListAnimate[frn, FilterRules[{opts} ~Join~ Options[EpicyclePlot],
                  If[fr > 1, frn, Last[frn]]]]


EpicyclePlot[{{1, 1/2, 1/3}, {1, 7, -17}, {0, 0, π/2}}, {0, 2 π}, "Frames" -> 32]

you should really read Farris's paper

The basic idea is fairly simple:

 ReIm@Accumulate[epicycle @@ data],
 {Point@Range[n + 1],
  Line@Range[n + 1],
  MapThread[Circle, {Range[n], data[[1]]}]

In the above epicycle computes each epicycle, in essentially the same way as ubpdqn as complex numbers, which are then added together with Accumulate; ReIm converts the complex numbers to cartesian coordinates. The graphics directives are the same no matter where the points are, so they can be coded in a GraphicsComplex. To update the configuration to a new time, all that is required is to recompute the points with a new value for the time. This can be done with Table, Animate, Manipulate, or as in the code below with Dynamic and Clock.

Fancy example

I gussied it up a bit with a trailing path to help with the visualization. Since I chose irrational-ratio angular velocities, the trajectory will not be periodic. Even the trailing path has constant directives; the motion is due to the points of the GraphicsComplex being dynamically updated.

n = 5;
data = {   (* set up for 5 cycles *)
  Reverse[n + Range[n]^4/10 + Sort@RandomReal[1, n]],   (* radii *)
  Range[n]^1.1/Sqrt[n],                                 (* angular velocities *)
  RandomReal[2 Pi, n]};                                 (* phase shifts *)


SetAttributes[epicycle, Listable];
epicycle[r0_, w0_, t0_] := r0 Exp[I w0 (t - t0)];
trail[t0_, len_] :=
  ReIm[Total[epicycle @@ data] /. t -> t0 + Range[0., -len, -0.3/Max@Abs@data[[2]]]];

With[{e = epicycle @@ data, tr = trail[t, 3.], n = Length@data[[1]]},
    (* points computed dynamically *)
   Dynamic@ Join[{{0., 0.}}, ReIm@Accumulate[e /. t -> t0], tr /. t -> t0],

    (* directives are fixed *)
   { (* trailing path *)
    Line[Range[n + 2, n + Length@tr + 1],
     VertexColors -> (Flatten[{List @@ ColorData[97, 1], #}] & /@ 

     (* epicycles *)
    Point@Range[n + 1],
    Line@Range[n + 1],
    MapThread[Circle, {Range[n], data[[1]]}]
  PlotRange -> Total@data[[1]] + data[[1, -1]],
  PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05], Frame -> True,
    (* Clock drives the animation *)
  PlotLabel -> Dynamic[t0 = Clock[{0, Infinity}]]

enter image description here


Inspired by @Craig, @MichaelE2 and @J.M. and integrating varying aspects (but without the polish of all the options):

ep[{r_, a_, o_}, n_] := 
 Module[{fun = 
      Prepend[ReIm@MapThread[#1 Exp[I #2 x + I #3] &, {r, a, o}], {0, 
        0}]], col = RandomColor[Length@r], smin = Max[2 Pi/a], tab, g},
  tab = Table[fun[j], {j, 0, smin, smin/n}]; 
  g = Graphics[{Opacity[0.5], 
       MapThread[{#3, Disk[#1, #2]} &, {Most@#, r, col}], Red, 
       Point[Most@#], Purple, PointSize[0.02], Point[Last@#], Blue, 
       Line@tab[[All, -1]], Line@#}, PlotRange -> 1.15 Total@r] & /@ 

So using J.M. input:

ep[{{1, 1/2, 1/3}, {1, 7, -17}, {0, 0, \[Pi]/2}},300]

Takes a little time to process:

enter image description here

Reassuringly similar (excepting color scheme to J.M.). Will work on making smoother (animation) in the time I do not have.

Orginal answer

This can be simplified and visualization only depends on $z0$ and $z1$:

f[a_, k_, t_] := a Exp[I k t];
t1 = 3;
t2 = 2;
a0 = 4;
g[x_] := Through[{Re, Im}[x]]
func[t_] := {{0, 0}, #1, #2, #1 + #2} & @@ (g /@ {f[a0, 2 Pi/t2, t], 
     f[a1, 2 Pi/t1, t]})


 With[{res = func[t]},
  Graphics[{Circle[res[[1]], a0], Circle[res[[2]], a1], Point[res], 
    Line[res[[{1, 3}]]], Line[res[[{2, 3}]]], Line[res[[{2, 4}]]],
    Text["{0,0}", res[[1]], Offset[{3, 3}]], 
    Text["z0", res[[2]], Offset[{3, 3}]], 
    Text["z1", res[[3]], Offset[{3, 3}]], 
    Text["z2", res[[4]], Offset[{3, 3}]],
    }, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}]], {t, 0, 12}]

I chose 12 as common multiple of periods.

enter image description here

A little generalization:

epic[r0_, r1_, tm0_, tm1_, 
   t_] := {{0, 0}, #1, #2, #1 + #2} & @@ (g /@ {f[r0, 2 Pi/tm0, t], 
      f[r1, 2 Pi/tm1, t]});

epivis[r0_, r1_, tm0_, tm1_, t_, col_, ps_: 0.02] := 
 With[{res = epic[r0, r1, tm0, tm1, t]},
  Graphics[{Circle[res[[1]], r0], Circle[res[[2]], r1], PointSize[ps],
     Point[res[[1 ;; 3]]], col, Point[res[[4]]], Line[res[[{1, 3}]]], 
    Line[res[[{2, 3}]]], Line[res[[{2, 4}]]], Dashed, 
      Last@epic[r0, r1, tm0, tm1, j], {j, 0, 2 tm0 tm1, 
       2 tm0 tm1/200}]]}, 
   PlotRange -> Table[3 Max[r0, r1] {-1, 1}, {2}]]]


Manipulate[epivis[r0, r1, tm0, tm1, t, Red]
 , {r0, 1, 2}, {r1, 2, 4}, {tm0, 2, 4}, {tm1, 2, 4}, {t, 0, 
  2 tm0 tm1}]

enter image description here