Dynamic proxy_pass to $var with nginx 1.0

Stumbled on the same exact issue

proxy_pass wasn't resolving my variables, until we found out our DNS server had a problem

can be checked with this cmd by the way

nslookup your-domain your-dns-ip

I've recently stumbled upon this need myself and have found that in order to use variables in a proxy_pass destination you need to set a resolver as your error.log would most probably contain something like no resolver defined to resolve ...

The solution in my case was to setup the following using a local DNS for DNS resolution:

location ~ /proxy/(.*) {
    resolver [::1];
    proxy_pass http://$1;

In your case this should work:

location /proxy {
    resolver [::1];
    set $target http://proxytarget.example.com;
    proxy_pass $target;

For resolver to work, you need to install bind9 locally. For Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install bind9

More information on nginx and dynamic proxy_passing here: http://www.nginx-discovery.com/2011/05/day-51-proxypass-and-resolver.html

Edit: Replaced the previous public DNS with a local one for security issues.

Even though the answer of @soulseekah is complete and correct I want to post an answer for the folks using Nginx inside a cluster of containers, being those inside Kubernetes or Docker Compose.

Basically you have to configure a resolver for Nginx with the address of your actual DNS resolver. For Docker it is always at, for Kubernetes refer to this answer

Inside my docker network I was able to successfully configure a dynamic proxy_pass by doing so:

resolver [::1];
set $bcknd http://$http_XBackend$uri$is_args$args;
proxy_pass        $bcknd;

Note that it was fundamental to add the $uri$is_args$args since otherwise the proxy pass didn't take in consideration the path and the query string.

PS: in my example, I am reading an header using the $http_XBackend variable. The header is passed by the client as XBackend: host, here the host should be the hostname where you want to forward your calls. I tried using headers with dashes in them with no luck, I had to use an header without dashes.

Edit 16 Jul 2020: Docker doesn't report any more on their webpage the address for the default DNS server. It is still If you want to see this value inside your container you need to run cat /etc/resolv.conf.


