Dynamic routing with multiple parameters in Next js

Folder structure like this will work

-[blog] //folder name
 -[post].js //file name
-items //folder name
 -[category] //folder name
  -[subCategory].js //file name

you can simply call the blog and post like

<a href="/blog/post"></a>

you can simply call the category and subcategory like

<a href="/items/category/subCategory"></a>

You can do this with the help of dynamic routing in nextjs 9. For example, pages/post/[postId]/[commentId].js would match /post/p1/c1. Its query object would be: { postId: 'p1', commentId: 'c1' }. your Link component should be like this:

      <a>link to comment</a>

Folder structure should be Like that

Page - Folder 
 blog - Folder Name
 [p1] - Folder Name
   [p2].js - File Name

it will work when you call URL like /blog/postname/id it will call p2.js page