Dynamic tabIndex attribute in JSX + React

I believe there is a simpler way (than Aaron's suggestion).

React removes an attribute from a JSX element if that attribute's value is null or undefined. I'd need this to be confirmed by someone who knows for sure.

Therefore you can use something like this:

let t1 = condition ? 1 : null;
let div = <div tabIndex={t1}>...</div>;

The tabIndex attribute will be removed if t1 is null.

For example, we have three attributes, tabIndex, class and id.

let tabIndex;
let id;
let className = "tab";
let props = {
let div = <div {...props} />

undefined/null value props will not add in div, so the render result is

<div class="tab" />

You can do it using the attribute spread operator:

let props = condition ? {tabIndex: 1} : {};
let div = <div {...props} />