Easy way to implement a Root Raised Cosine (RRC) filter using Python & Numpy
The commpy
package has several filters included with it. In the version 0.2.0 the return variables are switched. To install, follow instructions here.
Here's a use example:
import numpy as np
from commpy.modulation import QAMModem
from commpy.filters import rrcosfilter
N = 1024 # output size
mod1 = QAMModem(16) # QAM16
sB = randint(0, 2, mod1.num_bits_symbol*N*M/4) # Random bit stream
sQ = mod1.modulate(sB) # Modulated baud points
sPSF = rrcosfilter(N*4, 0.8, 1, 24)[1]
qW = np.convolve(sPSF, sQ) # Waveform with PSF