Eclipse Git Synchronize does not display changes

Before you can synchronize your workspace, you need to do a "fetch" from the remote repository (Team -> Fetch from Upstream) to get all the incoming changes into your local repository. Afterwards you can synchronize them.

If you don't want to make two clicks for synchronizing, you can enable "Always launch fetch before synchronisation" in Preferences -> Team -> Git -> Synchronize.

enter image description here

I used to have the same problem but upgrading to EGit 2.2 seems to have taken care of it. Things are now consistent between "git status" at command line and "Team / Synchronize Workspace" in Eclipse.

You can get EGit from here or you can add the update site to Eclipse.

Latest Egit Update Site:

I've tried the new EGit, re-cloning the project and nothing worked except this:

  1. In the Synchronize view, click on the dropdown arrow next to Synchronize button, then select "Synchronize...".
  2. In the dialog that appears choose Git, press Next.
  3. Then the crucial part - select destination to be HEAD for your repository and check "Include local uncommitted changes in comparison".
  4. Click Finish.