Eclipse Photon - Eclipse Marketplace not launching

Addition to actunderdc answer:

He is right. There is a bug if there is a space in the installation path. If you want to install in the Program Files folder, you can use the windows shortnames.

Find the shortname of the folder in cmd by using dir /X. For C:\Program Files it is something like PROGRAM~1.

When you got the shortname, you can add the folowing at the top of your eclipse.ini File in the same directory of the eclipse.exe

-launcher C:\PROGRAM~1\eclipse\jee\photon

Make sure to adjust it to your installation path. After you have done this, marketplace can be opened. But when I open Help -> About -> Instalation Details -> Configuration it shows me two -launcher parameters with the long and the short name. I don't know, if it could cause sideeffects.

I opened a Bugreport at

I managed to find the problem and fix it. I went to: Help -> About Eclipse IDE -> clicked on "Installation Details" -> tab "Configuration" -> Clicked on "View Error Log"

The default browser opened and there I noticed the following stack trace:

!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 0 2018-06-28 10:38:21.036
!MESSAGE Unhandled event loop exception
org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in path at index 16: file:/C:/Eclipse Photon/eclipse/configuration/
    at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.MethodRequestor.execute(

It was the space character in the folder named by me: "Eclipse Photon". I renamed it to "EclipsePhoton" and the marketplace opened successfully.

Short answer: Make sure you do not have any spaces in the Eclipse installation file path.

I fixed the issue with the solution from this link:


  1. Go to Help > Install New Software
  2. Paste the Marketplace Client update site url into the “Work with” field:
  3. Select the “EPP Marketplace Client” checkbox
  4. Follow the wizard and restart your Eclipse to finish the installation.

