Eloquent - how to add a join in the hasMany relationship?

OK, figured out I need a closure in my with() clause, like this:

    $updated_laptops = Laptop::with([
        'earmarks' => function($q) {
            ->join('locations', 'locations.id', '=', 'earmarks.location')
            ->select('earmarks.*', 'locations.location AS em_location')
            ->orderBy('date', 'asc');

this worked for me

public function earmarks() {
   return $this->hasMany('App\Earmark', 'labtop_id', 'id')
        ->join('locations', 'locations.id', '=', 'earmarks.location')
        ->select('earmarks.*', 'locations.location AS em_location')
        ->orderBy('date', 'asc')->get();

it can be a attribute in Labtop Model and be serializable in Labtop json object like this :

public function GetEarmarksAttribute() {
   return $this->hasMany('App\Earmark', 'labtop_id', 'id')
        ->join('locations', 'locations.id', '=', 'earmarks.location')
        ->select('earmarks.*', 'locations.location AS em_location')
        ->orderBy('date', 'asc')->get();

protected $appends = array('earmarks');