Equation sublabeling
This is a trick I learned from this nice answer by the author of the witharrows
package, which has a lot of hidden gems I did not appreciate enough before.
The point is that you can use witharrows
even without arrows.
\documentclass[12 pt,handout,notheorems, serif]{beamer}
%\documentclass[12 pt]{article}
\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper,landscape]
\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} %To get the accents aligned correctly, albeit in Computer Modern Roman
\renewcommand{\left}{\mleft}%<- seriously?
\renewcommand{\right}{\mright}%<- seriously?
F = ma
\begin{DispWithArrows}< \delta\left(t\right)= >
\infty\;,\quad & t = 0\;,\\
0\;,\quad & t \neq 0\;.
\begin{DispWithArrows}< u\left(t\right)= >
1\;,\quad & t \geq 0\;,\\
0\;,\quad & t < 0\;.
v = \omega r
Or with left aligned columns and \mleftright
as suggested by Mico.
\documentclass[12 pt,handout,notheorems, serif]{beamer}
%\documentclass[12 pt]{article}
\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper,landscape]
\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} %To get the accents aligned correctly, albeit in Computer Modern Roman
% \renewcommand{\left}{\mleft}%<- seriously?
% \renewcommand{\right}{\mright}%<- seriously?
F = ma
\begin{DispWithArrows}< \delta\left(t\right)= >
\infty\;,\quad & t = 0\;,\\
\pgfmathsetmacro{\myw}{width("$\infty$")}\makebox[\myw pt][l]{$0$}\;,\quad & t \neq 0\;.
\begin{DispWithArrows}< u\left(t\right)= >
1\;,\quad & t \geq 0\;,\\
0\;,\quad & t < 0\;.
v = \omega r
With subnumcases
defined in the cases
\documentclass[12 pt,handout,notheorems, serif]{beamer}
F = ma
\begin{subnumcases}{\delta(t) = }
\infty & $t = 0$, \\
0 & $t \neq 0$.
1 & $t \geq 0$, \\
0 & $t < 0$.
v = \omega r
Just for the sake of variety, here's a solution which uses the cases
package and its subnumcases
\documentclass[12pt,handout,notheorems, serif]{beamer}
\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper,landscape]
\usepackage{cases} % for 'subnumcases' environment
% 'amsmath' is loaded automatically by 'beamer' class
F = ma
\infty & $t = 0$,\\
0 & $t \neq 0$.
1 & $t \geq 0$,\\
0 & $t < 0$.
v = \omega r