Equivalent of "whos" command in NumPy

If you are using IPython, there is a whos command built-in:

In [9]: whos
Variable   Type       Data/Info
a          ndarray    4x4x3: 48 elems, type `int64`, 384 bytes
b          ndarray    100000: 100000 elems, type `int64`, 800000 bytes (781 kb)
np         module     <module 'numpy' from '/Li<...>kages/numpy/__init__.py'>

In general I highly recommend using IPython when doing interactive work in python with numpy/scipy/matplotlib/etc. Fernando Perez and others are actively adding a lot of great features.

This more or less works as who equivalent.

In the interactive shell (IDLE)

>> import os
>> import sys
>> a = 10
>> def MyWho():
       print [v for v in globals().keys() if not v.startswith('_')]
>> MyWho()
['a', 'MyWho', 'sys', 'os']
>> import numpy
>> MyWho()
['a', 'MyWho', 'numpy', 'sys', 'os'] 

Python has a builtin function dir() which returns the list of names in the current local scope.