ERROR in Cannot find module 'node-sass'

  1. This error is for node-sass is not present ... to solve this just you want to run following command

npm install node-sass

According to node-sass github page, supported node.js version vary release by release.

enter image description here

Example: Check the version of node you are running.

node -v
-> v12.0.0

you need node-sass v4.12+. so you can

npm install [email protected]

or if 4.12.0 is the latest

npm install node-sass@latest

(npm install node-sass will install the latest version in many cases, but remember that it does not always install the latest(in this example 4.12.0) if dependency in package.json is written like ^3.0.0, ~4.11.0) What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

Lastly, using sudo with npm is not a good practice. Please refer to this article.

Here's the solution:

sudo npm install --save-dev  --unsafe-perm node-sass


Edited to explain the options (from comments):

--save-dev is used so that your app is able to find the module in local node_modules. --save-dev adds package to devDependencies in package.json. --unsafe--perm is used to run install scripts as root. To avoid sudo, use nvm instead. --unsafe--perm is really not needed as sudo is already mentioned. So the command basically air tights the script to install node-sass at any cost.