Error installing tidyr on Ubuntu 18.04 & R 4.0.2

I found the following here:

The workaround consists in downgrading cpp11 to version 0.1:

devtools::install_version("cpp11", version = "0.1", repos = "")

Looks like the following commit is addressing this, though not sure when it will be pushed to CRAN:

It looks like @hadley released an update to tidyr a few days ago, based on the new cpp11 package:

For some reason, this caused tidyr to not build for us.

Our (hopefully temporary!) workaround was like this:

(1) Remove dependency on tidyverse. Instead, explicitly depend on the subpackages( like dplyr/ggplot2/etc. )

(2) Install tidyr in the following way:

packageurl <- ""
install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")