Error :- java runtime environment JRE or java development kit must be available in order to run eclipse
Check the eclipse.ini
file and make sure there is no -vm
option there that is pointing to a non existing java install now. You can delete the option to let Eclipse figure out what java install to use or change it so it's pointing to the new install.
This worked with me: Eclipse will not open due to environment variables
Let eclipse use your java vm directly!
Put these lines at the end of eclipse.ini (located in the directory where eclipse.exe is present):
<your path to jdk|jre>/bin/javaw.exe
Pay attention that there are two lines. Also make sure that the -vm option is before the -vmargs option (and of course after "openFile").
I had this problem before and I solved by :
Right click my computer -> properties -> Advanced system settings.
In both sections :
- User variables for "YourUser" &
- System variables
Update the PATH by adding to the end of it a ";" and your java bin folder location , mine was "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin"
If there is no path then create it using the NEW button, set "Variable Name " to PATH and "Value" to your java bin location.
You can replace your PATH if there is no need for it