Excel VBA How to detect if something was pasted in a Worksheet
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim UndoList As String
'~~> Get the undo List to capture the last action performed by user
UndoList = Application.CommandBars("Standard").Controls("&Undo").List(1)
'~~> Check if the last action was not a paste nor an autofill
If Left(UndoList, 5) = "Paste" Then
'Do stuff
End If
End Sub
This did the trick. For those who need something similar and know the size of their list @MaciejLos' answer would also work.
I was unable to add this as a comment so I'm posting this as an answer. @Nahbyr 's answer works when excel has "English" set as it's preferred language, otherwise it won't work.
So after manually searching using the immediate window I was able to find out the appropiate indexes for it to work on every language.
This is the function I wrote to test if the last action was a paste action, paste or paste special.
Public Function LastActionPaste() As Boolean
' The function LastActionPaste checks if the last action made was a paste action, if so it returns TRUE
' Otherwise it returns FALSE
Dim UndoList As String
LastActionPaste = False
UndoList = Application.CommandBars(11).Controls(14).List(1)
'~~> Check if the last action was a paste or paste special
If UndoList = "Paste" Or UndoList = "Paste Special" Then
LastActionPaste = True
End If
End Function
So apparently the indexes are not the same on different installations of Excel, whether because they are different versions or whatsoever...
So even if the preferrred language is not English, the CommandBars.Name is still in english, BUT the Controls.Caption do change...
Now I hope that the Controls indexes do not change otherwise this won't work.
So I modified the function like this for it to work:
Public Function LastActionPaste() As Boolean
' The function LastActionPaste checks if the last action made was a paste action, if so it returns TRUE
' Otherwise it returns FALSE
Dim UndoList As String
Dim barFound As Boolean
Dim index As Long
LastActionPaste = False
index = 1
barFound = False
Do While barFound = False
If Application.CommandBars(index).name = "Standard" Then
barFound = True
index = index + 1
End If
UndoList = Application.CommandBars(index).Controls(14).List(1)
'~~> Check if the last action was a paste or paste special
If UndoList = "Paste" Or UndoList = "Paste Special" Then
LastActionPaste = True
End If
End Function
Worksheet_Change event will do the job if you add a formula into cell which will never be overwritten. Let's say your data are pasted into A1 cell and occupied 5 columns. So, enter below formula into 6. column and row 1.
Now, you're able to handle/detect paste event ;)