Executing a collection of futures sequentially

Combine iter_ok and Stream::for_each:

use futures::Stream;
use futures::future::ok;
use futures::stream::iter_ok;

let tasks = vec![ok(()), ok(()), ok(())];

let combined_task = iter_ok::<_, ()>(tasks).for_each(|f| f);

iter_ok produces a stream of the passed items, and never throws an error (that is why you sometimes need to fix the error type). The closure passed to for_each then returns a Future to be run for each item - here simply the items that were passed in.

for_each then drives each returned future to completion before moving to the next one, like you wanted. It will also abort with the first error it encounters, and requires the inner futures to return () on success.

for_each itself returns a Future that will either fail (like described above) or return () on completion.

test tests::bench_variant_buffered ... bench:      22,356 ns/iter (+/- 1,816)
test tests::bench_variant_boxed ...    bench:       8,575 ns/iter (+/- 1,042)
test tests::bench_variant_for_each ... bench:       4,070 ns/iter (+/- 531)

Stream has a function buffered which allows you to limit how many futures are polled concurrently.

If you have a collection of futures, you can create a stream and use buffered like so:

let tasks = vec![future1, future2];
let stream = ::futures::stream::iter_ok(tasks);
let mut when_result_ready = stream.buffered(1);

when_result_ready will now be a Stream implementation which only polls one future at a time and moves to the next once each future completes.


Based on comments and profiling it appears buffered has a large overhead so another solution is to convert each Future to a Stream and flatten them:


flatten states that "each individual stream will get exhausted before moving on to the next." meaning no Future will be polled before the previous one is completed. In my local profiling this seems to be ~80% faster than the buffered approach.

Both of my answers above result in a Stream of results where each source Future is polled sequentially and the results returned. What the asker actually asked for was just a single Future at the end and not the results of each source Future, if this is the case, the answer from Stefan may be more useful and prove to have better performance.

As mentioned in the comments, your types are too concrete.

You can envision the implementation of fold as doing something like this:

let (task0, task1, task2) = (ok(()), ok(()), ok(()));

let mut combined_task = ok(()); // seed
combined_task = combined_task.and_then(|_| task0); 
combined_task = combined_task.and_then(|_| task1); 
combined_task = combined_task.and_then(|_| task2); 

The variable combined_task needs to be updated in place with a new value of the same type. Since we start with ok(()), that's the type each step needs to return. However, the return type of and_then is different; it's an AndThen. In fact, AndThen is a generic type containing the closure and the underlying future, so each step will produce a distinct type with potentially a different size:

  1. FutureResult<()>
  2. AndThen<FutureResult<()>, closure0>
  3. AndThen<AndThen<FutureResult<()>, closure0>, closure1>
  4. AndThen<AndThen<AndThen<FutureResult<()>, closure0>, closure1>, closure2>

Instead, you can create a unified type by producing a boxed trait object at each step:

let (task0, task1, task2) = (ok(()), ok(()), ok(()));

let mut combined_task: Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>> = Box::new(ok(())); // seed
combined_task = Box::new(combined_task.and_then(|_| task0)); 
combined_task = Box::new(combined_task.and_then(|_| task1)); 
combined_task = Box::new(combined_task.and_then(|_| task2)); 
  1. Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>>
  2. Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>>
  3. Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>>
  4. Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>>

Converting back to the fold syntax:

let combined_task: Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>> =
    tasks.into_iter().fold(Box::new(ok(())), |acc, task| {
        Box::new(acc.and_then(|_| task))

See also:

  • Creating Diesel.rs queries with a dynamic number of .and()'s


