Expandable Nested Boxes with TikZ

The shapes.multipart library of TikZ can be helpful (refer to Section 48.6 Shapes with Multiple Text Parts of the pgfmanual); a little example:



  double/.style={draw, anchor=text, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2},
  triple/.style={draw, anchor=text, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3}
  \node[triple] {foo
      \tikz{\node[double] {\nodepart{second}baz};}

  \node[triple] at (2.2,0) {some text here
      \tikz{\node[double] {\nodepart{second}some more text goes here};}

  \node[double,align=center] at (7.5,0) {some text here
      bar \\
      \tikz{\node[double,align=center] {\nodepart{second}some more text\\ goes here};}



Do you know about the drs package? (I assuming you want to construct discourse representation structures and tikz itself isn't a requirement.)

\drs{X}{ the lawyers(X) \\ 
   \qdrs{x}{x $\in$ X}
        {y}{secretary(y) \\ x hired y}}

enter image description here